Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I ain't no quick draw...

You all can probably imagine that Kimshiela is pretty low on my list of people that I'd piss on in order to put out a fire. Earlier today, I was trolling Kimshiela's site and after skimming his latest round of bullocks I noticed that Iggy's mug is no longer on the page. Since I was still in the process of figuring out how a blog works, html fricken coding, a three tylenol headache and well aware of the fact no one knows this blog exists - I figured throwing Skippy a bone would be the best bet for making folks aware. Having said that, it was nice to get the hat tip (in a way) from BCF and Jay for dropping the dime.

Meh...slow and steady wins the race and all that crap. Hmmm...I wonder what the deal is.

Was it a case of...

Or maybe something a little more subtle...

I could care less either way. The reality is that I am almost orgasmic over the notion that this prick is one step closer to the soup line.


  1. Heck of an opening post....Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. I believe the expression is: "I wouldn't even piss in his ear if his brain was on fire!"

    And what a little inferno there must be raging in there, eh.

