Tuesday, September 8, 2009

...douchebag role model of the week

You know, with idiots like Ludacris which America seems to be in no shortage of, it's no wonder that Americans worship at the altar of Obamessiah. Say what I mean and mean what I say is just another virtue that escapes these fucking morons. Case in point is Luda showing the world that being Green has more to do with what you say, than what you do:

As seen on MTV, July 3, 2007:
"I definitely wanted to know about the global-warming crisis and the dangers happening to our planet," he said. "You know me: I'm all about saving lives. ... I couldn't refuse to be a part of something this big. I'm learning more as I go along. If the cause is to save lives and save the planet, then I'm down.

"It's all about trying, as long as you're conscious about it," he added. "You can begin to learn what you can do. I'm trying to figure out how I can get solar panels and things like that. They're even saying purchasing music online ... is a way to help. Or turning your computers off at night. It's a lot of things you can do. I'm sitting here taking it all in."

Well...after partying with Algore, it would seem like Luda's down with savin' the planet from global warming...ain't he?

Let's move on to a September 11, 2007 interview and see just how his indoctrination is working out for him.

Blender: Did your new haircut have anything to do with conserving energy?
Ludacris: No, it actually did not. But it's a beautiful thing.

B: You could tell people it did, though.
L: You could say I was subconsciously aware beforehand.

B: Something to do with wind resistance ...
L: Exactly.

B: What do you drive now?
L: Right now I still have my '93 Acura Legend [left], it's one of my favorite cars. And a Range Rover.

B: We're guessing the Range Rover isn't terribly fuel efficient ...
L: It's not great ... I'm thinking about getting a Hybrid.

Fast forward a year now, and it would seem that Luda's "got's his green on".
On Planet Green's new series Battleground Earth, Ludacris teams up with rocker Tommy Lee as they set out on a journey across the country to battle each other to see who can be greener. It's rock versus rap as the two go head-to-head in a series of eco-challenges and learn about reducing their carbon footprint along the way. "I was already aware of some of the 'little' ways to become more environment friendly, but working on this show took my knowledge to a whole different level. I learned so much and am starting to incorporate some of these lessons at home and at the office. I hope that the audience is able to learn about these very important issues and see how much fun Tommy and I had while doing 'green' missions for the different communities that we were able to visit," says Bridges.

Well, it would seem that Algore has made an eco-gangsta out of Luda...that's why I was recently surprised to read this:

Grammy-winning rapper Ludacris has given away 20 cars to people who wrote about their struggles to keep their jobs for a lack of wheels of their own.

Never mind the rest of us peons who have to endure the carbon footprint of his recent philanthropy...

Perhaps his going green has little to do with the 26's on his Hybrid Tahoe and more to do with whatever he's stuffing into his ZigZags.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Say it ain't so...O

Much like the social leper the Marlboro Man has become in recent years, so too does the popularity of Obama begin to lose its lustre:

Tue Jul 21, 11:12 AM

WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama's tumbling poll numbers have dipped below those of his predecessor George W. Bush at the same point in his White House tenure, according to a national poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating is 55 percent six months into his presidency, a USA Today/Gallup poll found. But 56 percent of those polled approved of the job done by George W. Bush after six months, the daily reported.

Obama's handling of the economy appears to be key in his fading popularity, as Americans become more pessimistic about how long it will take the economic downturn to end.

"His ratings have certainly come back down to Earth in a very short time period," Republican pollster Whit Ayres told the daily.

By 49 percent to 47 percent, respondents said they disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, while they disapprove of his health care policy by 50 percent to 44 percent.

Nevertheless, White House adviser David Axelrod called the "turbulence" predictable, and expressed confidence in the public's support for the president.

"People fundamentally like this president, and they believe he's smart and capable and strong and trying to do the right thing," he said.

Despite his falling poll numbers, the survey found that Obama remains personally popular.

Two-thirds of subjects polled found him to be a strong and decisive leader who understands the problems they face in their daily lives, while a majority said his administration "is creating a new spirit of idealism."


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pretty women are still walking with gorillas, Joe...

You know, it's alright to come off like you're all that...just as long as you can put your money where your mouth is when push comes to shove. More often that not, the struttin moron with the fluffy on his arm is just another douchebag that got lucky. Ordinarily, I don't give a shit anyway...since women that fall for douchebags deserve everything they get out of the deal.

Today I was surfing the net looking for a concise description of a douchebag beard...since there's this douche in my class that's sporting what I think is, in fact, a douchebag beard. Even if the beard in question is not a douchebag beard, he's still a douche. The shit I do when I'm bored. Anyway, whilst surfing, I found proof that Joe Jackson still can't get no relief.

Pretty women with gorillas...more specifically, Hot Chicks With Douchebags. A fairly large site with nothing but photos and commentary of hot chicks with douchebags. Joe Jackson would be proud!

Hot Chicks With Douchebags

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fat Bottom Girls...Fat Chicks Are Hot!

I dunno where you go/went to school, if you do/did at all, but my school licks bag. I have no idea why I bother with the hour commute only to sit my fat ass down for three hours so I can watch a powerpoint presentation that mirrors my textbook. Anyway, suffice to say, I do a lot of my blog reading while I'm at school.

Skippy Stalin is a blogger that I have come to admire lately. While some of his views may not line up with mine, I find his postings to be very entertaining and somewhat informative. I especially enjoyed his piece on Tyson and I share a lot of the sentiment that he presented in that piece.

Having stated that, I must also say that do not agree with his taste in women. Meh, to each his own. While a three day cocaine, vodka and blowjob bender with Lindsay Lohan may have appealed to me decades ago...should I ever be so lucky to survive an event like that today...it could, nonetheless, very well convince me to contribute to Penthouse. For what it's worth, I have found that skinny, fluffy chicks are so nineties and, quite frankly, really fucking boring.

They say that emulation is the sincerest form of flattery and even if my prose couldn't hold a candle to Skippy's, since he's such a damn good writer, I have to balance the scales (no pun intended) a bit. So it's in that spirit that I present to you the first in a series called Fat Chicks I Think Are Hot

Fat chicks are where it's at baby! Now, I don't mean the roll 'em in flour and look for the wet spot variety...that's just plain icky. I'm talking about the women with dangerous curves! I don't know about you folks, but that Dove advertisement with the so-called ordinary women on it...gives me wood everytime.

Come on, admit it...you've been there and done that and given the chance, you'd probably do it again. And I'll tell you why...they are freakin' awesome in bed. I forget the movie, but the actor was Dudley Moore (PBUH) and he summed it up best when he asked the age old question, "Why do fat chicks cum a lot?" I really don't have the answer for that one...but I sure as hell know that they do. Well, on to big and better things...

From the land of bad teeth, warm beer and big titties hails a woman that can cook me breakfast anytime. Yeah, so she's getting a little long in the tooth, but I'd bet you a paycheck that she'd give you a run for your money in both the bedroom and the kitchen. She's none other than my favorite kitchen-mate, Nigella Lawson.

Nigella Lucy Lawson, born on January 6, 1960, is the daughter of Nigel Lawson, Baron of Blaby, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Vanessa Salmon, whose family owned the J. Lyons and Co. empire...blah blah blah. Although I don't really give a shit about her pedigree, it indicates that she probably had a damn good English nanny upbringing which most likely resulted in producing a damn fine woman that you could take just about anywhere and do damn near anything with, without having to resort to Chris Brown style behaviour just to keep things in check.

She graduated from fucking Oxford with an MA in medieval languages for Chrissakes! That most likely means she's not a stupid bimbo like Lohan et.al. This has its benefits, since you can be rest assured that she's only going to open her mouth to put something good in (groan) or let something intellegent out...which further bolsters my Chris Brown hypothesis. Also, what's hotter than cuddling up in front of the big screen with a woman with rack like hers who is actually into watching Braveheart and then capping the night with several hours of sweaty, jiggly romping with a gal who can scream "fuck me" in Dalmatian?

The Food Network served no other purpose in my life but to give my hard-on a half hour alone with this sweetheart of culinary temptation. That is, unless I felt especially miserable enough to watch that jack-ass Ramsey treat people like shit...but unfortunately for him he lacks the enormous Nigella-like mommybags necessary to overcome my really short attention span. Yes, Nigella Feasts is food porn at its finest and it's a shame that the show is no longer aired in Canada.

That's the thing with Nigella - she can even make spaghetti look really fucking hot! And the really hot thing about it is that she knows it. Case in point...The other day, I was...ahem...researching Nigella a bit and I stumbled upon this blurb in an on-line article:

The TV chef and sex symbol believes there's nothing tastier than a pair of stockings and revealed she even goes to bed wearing just stockings and stiletto heels.

Nigella told Britain's Esquire magazine: "Stockings never fail to make you feel sexy.

"I like hold-ups, but the problem is if you've got too much meat at the top, you get a bulge there. So I often wear those over-the-knee French schoolgirl socks.

"But I know men like the whole strappy thing of suspenders, so I'll wear them.

"I've worn them with nothing but a pair of shoes in bed before."

If anyone has pictures of this...or of Nigella eating a banana...e-mail me or leave comments! Now I know she's a bit thick in the booty, but my goodness you have to admit she paints a stunning picture. I don't give a shit what you're into, because curves like that and big English juggies just a'hangin, creamy thighs accented with stockings, suspenders stretched across meaty ramming speed hips, and then topped off with a pair of fuck-me pumps will do it to me every...single...time.

So there you are folks, Nigella Lawson is the first in a series of Fat Chicks I Think Are Hot! I will leave you now with a wee bit of food porn, for your viewing pleasure...

From The Chicken Little Files: Why I Hate the MSM

Sorry about the sparse posting...kids, wife and school nudged their way up my priority list.

From the House of Gore

The ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica have awakened and are melting faster than expected

When one of you Birkenstock wearing assholes is done chomping on your granola...riddle me this:

...and then there's the truth

The decline rate for the month of April was the third slowest on record. The Arctic lost sea ice cover at a rate of 27,300 square kilometers per day (10,500 square miles), compared to an average of 41,600 square kilometers (16,000 square miles) per day for 1979 to 2000.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Corporate greendrones get bagged!

For me, the premium grocery store chains were always my preferred place of doing business. I really don't mind paying more for the same things I could get at a discount grocer, since I recognize I am paying for a better level of service. It would seem though, that the level of service I have come to enjoy has been suffering as of late.

You see, I could shop at a discount store...but bagging my groceries like the rest of the steerage is beneath me. Also, one is required to purchase bags...presumably in an effort to lower the store's overhead enough that they can sell groceries to the poor huddled masses for less. Even more, I don't like my food handled by some gum chewing tatooed drop-out pin cushion, which seems to be the kind of help these places insist upon employing. So, for those reasons, I choose not to shop at those kinds of stores.

The premium stores, however, are starting to lose their lustre. First it was the self-serve check out lanes. A novelty at first, and I can see the utility of such a thing should I just want to pay for one or two items and the express lanes are backed up. What I have noticed though, is that after employing six self checkout lanes my store has in turn reduced the number of express checkouts down to one. Not only that, they never seem to have more than three out of ten lanes open, regardless of how busy they are. Combining all of my checkout wait time throughout a month I have found that I have time to get through most of the latest Maxim while I wait in line to be served...doing my part to reduce consumption!

Now it seems that I have to pay for my fricken bags too. Yep, the premium stores have gotten on the green wagon. For what it's worth, it is my bet that the decision to do so was more likely spurred by the bottom line than out of any concern for the environment. If they actually cared about serving their clients and less about the bottom line, then we would have seen a switch to paper.

At least there's a ray of sunshine in all of this, as I read in the news this morning:

EW.BRUNSWICK (CBC) - The Fredericton Direct Charge Co-op grocery store is imposing new rules on customers' use of cloth bags following a spike in shoplifting.

Sheldon Palk, the grocery store's manager, said the switch to more environmentally friendly bags is having one unintended consequence: a rise in theft.

So cashiers must now check customers' cloth bags before they check out their groceries.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ignatieff: Another hand in your pocket

It didn't take long to see the true colour of Iggy, as found in a report by Canadian Press on Thursday.

Last week, Ignatieff initially appeared to suggest that tax hikes are inevitable to eliminate massive budget deficits currently being racked up by the Conservative government in a bid to stimulate the sputtering economy.


Another politician/douchebag that did not pay attention in economics class and now fails to understand how Keynesian economics is supposed to work. Deficit spending is an inevitability in a recession, since GDP and tax revenues decline. Increasing taxes during a recession will only prolong the agony, as most Ontarians witnessed in the 1990's. The upside is that the path of recovery brings increased GDP and tax revenues and if the government is reasonably competent we all enjoy a surplus budget. In a perfect world, the boom-time surpluses equal the recessionary deficits, and presto - long term balanced budgets!

We don't need a tax hike, and I'm not suggesting so because I'm a heartless money grubbin' conservative. We don't need a tax hike because as our economy recovers and begins to grow, tax revenues will be increased anyway. Hopefully at the same time, government spending will decrease...yeah, sure.

However, the poll suggests Ignatieff’s tax talk went down well in Quebec, where 29% of respondents said they’re more likely to vote Liberal and only 10% said they’re less likely.

Of course. Federal tax and spend policy always goes over well in Quebec...it always does. Any chance of increasing the amount of funds available to toss down that hole is welcomed there with open arms.

Thirty per cent of respondents to the Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey said they’re less likely to vote Liberal in the next election as a result of the party leader’s reflections on taxes last week.

Those results only a week out of the gate with this policy is not good news for Iggy and the Libs, when compared to the initial warmth and fuzziness the Dion's Green Shaft generated.

...and we all know how well that worked out for him.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gone Fishin'

...just to clarify for the Caucasian self-flagellators out there: I don't care what colour you are or where you come from, if I see you poaching - you're going swimming.

Fish on!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A day late and a dollar short...

From AP...

UN kicks Jewish, Iranian groups out of racism meet

Associated Press Writer

The United Nations is expelling three Jewish and Iranian groups from a global racism conference for "unacceptable behaviour."

UN spokesman Rupert Colville says the groups whose passes are being withdrawn are the French Union of Jewish Students, Coexist, and the Neda Institute for Political and Scientific Research.

Colville told reporters today that members of the first two groups had been involved in disrupting the speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Neda Institute from Iran had distributed inflammatory material to meeting participants.

The week-long conference has been overshadowed by Ahmadinejad's accusation that the West used the Holocaust as a "pretext" to harm the Palestinians, and for subsequent protests against him.

Meanwhile, Iran has sent a letter of protest to the UN secretary general for criticizing Ahmadinejad's diatribe against Israel.

Iran's ambassador to the UN said in the letter sent to Ban Ki-moon that the president "was subjected to unfair and unwarranted harsh criticism."

Maybe attitude has a lot to do with it...

...and it spreads like a cancer.

This kind of thinking is a blight on humanity.

On a lighter note, in regards to Jews being apes and all, I stumbled upon this:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy fricken earth day...

The irony kicks in after the 3:00 mark:

Also...in my inbox today:

Hi Friends & Family,

You have been blind copied to protect your email address.

No doubt you are hearing lot's about green energy and wind turbines are a big part of that. What you don't know is the Ontario government is pushing these turbines too quickly and creating health and safety risk to residents. The blades of a turbine weigh over 4-tons each, this one threw a blade 500 metres and debris was found 1.5KM away.

Over 30 Ontario families have been impacted by wind turbines, the vibrations and noise impact the middle ear creating something like motion sickness. The National Academy of Medicine in France has recommended 1.5KM setbacks from homes, yet George Smitherman, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure is trying to force 500 metres or less setbacks.

Please sign this petition to increase wind turbine setbacks to safe distances www.gopetition.com/petitions/wind-watch.html and pass this petition on to your friends and family.

CTV News Report

Bats lungs explode from Wind Turbines

Sincere thanks,

(name redacted and YouTube embedded)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More global warming please!

For cryin' out loud...rain and snow mix in tomorrow's forecast. I guess I have to put the rainbow fishing off for a couple more days.

In the meantime...

I ain't no quick draw...

You all can probably imagine that Kimshiela is pretty low on my list of people that I'd piss on in order to put out a fire. Earlier today, I was trolling Kimshiela's site and after skimming his latest round of bullocks I noticed that Iggy's mug is no longer on the page. Since I was still in the process of figuring out how a blog works, html fricken coding, a three tylenol headache and well aware of the fact no one knows this blog exists - I figured throwing Skippy a bone would be the best bet for making folks aware. Having said that, it was nice to get the hat tip (in a way) from BCF and Jay for dropping the dime.

Meh...slow and steady wins the race and all that crap. Hmmm...I wonder what the deal is.

Was it a case of...

Or maybe something a little more subtle...

I could care less either way. The reality is that I am almost orgasmic over the notion that this prick is one step closer to the soup line.

Whining douchebags have their way in the not-so-real world too.

Yeah, so I play Warcraft. What's your game? I've been playing off and on for a few years now. Some of you may wonder why a grown man like Jonesy would waste his time immersed in an imaginary world. Well, somedays it beats the hell out of the real one. Where else can one antagonize others weaker than himself only to beat the ever living shit out of the target and loot his corpse - without ever having to move to Sudan or seek employment at a Human Rights Commission?

For those of you who have no idea what Warcraft is, I'll give you the Readers Digest version - it's like Dungeons and Dragons on LSD. In the World (and it is a world...with continents complete with local economies and stuff) of Warcraft, there are essentially two styles of play. The first style requires players to successfully complete various quests throughout the land in return for experience, gold and gear. The second method is called Player versus Player (PvP). Like any other nerdy imaginary world, Warcraft has a good side (Alliance) and a bad one (Horde). PvP requires players from each side within comparable level brackets to team up and beat the ever living crap out of each other. Can you figure what style of play Jonesy digs? Here's an example from YouTube:

Long ago, when Jonesy went to school I understood that even though my class mates and I were all more or less equal with respect to age, size and life experiences, there were always one or two kids in the schoolyard that I absolutely did not screw with. It just didn't matter what the hell I did, they were much better than me at anything because they possessed some sort of attribute that I did not. These were the kids who ran the yard, that was the reality and nobody argued it. When I got a little older I discovered that hard work and determination were the only means to achieve the attributes I needed in order to separate myself from the rest of the sheep.

I am reminded of a time a few years ago when my son was having issues with an asshole kid in his class. Dinnertime conversation always wound up being about what the little bugger had done to my son that day and ended with tears and my wife's nugget of wisdom - tell the teacher. Most days, the asshole kid would torment my son, my son would tell the teacher and the teacher would inform the kid's parents who ultimately did nothing because the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. After a few months of that bullshit, I had enough.

Let me tell you that my kid's a fair size and not that much of a slouch. The problem was the programming he had received from his teachers and my wife (another teacher by trade) had panzified my son to the point of blubbering helplessness. I felt that it was time to do my part as a father so I taught my son a very important life lesson about dealing with assholes...it sort of went like this:

Yep, some people you just can't reach. The little bastard that was tormenting my kid was one of them, in spite of the vigorous panzification agenda by the school board. It was also clear that the school was either ill-equipped or unwilling to rectify the situation. Swift and blinding violence was in order and I helped my son discover the tools of the trade. I also made sure that he understood his right to defend himself and exactly what is an appropriate level of violence - in other words, I clearly defined his boundaries.

It was not long before the asshole kid accosted my son in the hallway at school. After striking my son from behind and having grabbed him by his collar, my son administered swift blunt force trauma to the asshole's testicles which left the little bugger sucking wind on the hallway floor. Aside from a phone call from an apoplectic principal, that was the last we ever heard about that kid.

The point I'm making is that one should understand their boundaries so that they can be best exploited in order for one to achieve the best possible outcome within any given situation. If one cannot maximize their potential within their boundaries, they must first identify their shortcomings and then work toward improving their attributes in order to increase their potential. The designers of Warcraft had this concept down pat. With a lot of determination and hard work at the game, one could develop a character that kicks serious ass when compared to a character of the same level belonging to a casual player. Maybe that's why I dug PvP so much - it reminded me of my schoolyard days and a time when being better, stronger and faster than others was an important value.

Unfortunately, for people like me, the game's designers have recently gotten more in touch with their pansy side. As a result, they have modified the game parameters so that tweaked out players who have worked hard at building their toons are now more equal to the scrubs who have not made any investment. My bet is that they were tired of hearing scrubs whine about how they were continually outclassed and subsequently pwn'ed in the battlegrounds so the company decided the best solution would be to make everyone more or less equal.

Does that ring a bell with anyone? Nobody fails in my kids' school. Hell, I've recently had my university programmes dumbed down in the middle of a semester just to improve the curve because the majority of the students had no business being there in the first place. I can't wait to work with some of these morons. The sad thing is that economically, redistribution of wealth ensures that nobody fails in the real world either.

Yep, this is the new world order and it even applies to the imaginary ones as well. Success and betterment is frowned upon and now it seems that, in the real world at least, it is punishable. Determination and hard work is irrelevant. There is no longer any point in being better than your peers, since the playing field gets levelled anyway. Instead of encouraging the individual to work hard we instead make it easier for everyone by changing the rules.

Nowhere To Go But Up

Well, my advice today -if you're looking for some- would be to take a serious look at your mortgage. If you haven't already, lock that sucker down for a good long time. The Bank of Canada has slashed rates to an unimaginable 0.25% and they say they will likely leave it there for a year, since inflation is anticipated to remain below 2%. Sure...okay.

Don't buy that horseshit for a minute. Inflation will stay low only as long as those retards in Ottawa can keep their hands off the printing presses. Since there is now no other way to ease money, buying ink and paper manufacturers stock would be a shrewd investment. Furthermore, the banks could pay consumers to borrow money and it still would not make a lick of difference since consumers are either in enough trouble with debt and reluctant to shoulder more or, are in an excellent cash position and just waiting to 'rescue' all those poor saps when they're down and out and worth ten cents on the dollar. I am really looking forward to garage sale season this year - my goal is nabbing a big screen for under 200 clams. Whatever the case, people are not buying because we either have enough shit as it is or we feel a big fire sale coming on.

Easy money won't last for long. As the world economies keep sucking on the money teats to finance social spending bullshit, you can bet your ass as players get crowded out, interest rates will rise - sharply.

Think happy thoughts!

Let's Get Started

Greetings reader,

I have spent many countless hours trolling through the blogosphere and I have been largely impressed by folks who take time out of their busy day in order to share their thoughts with others. Through my travels on the internet, I have realized that the blogosphere is chock full of all kinds of people scattered throughout the various strata of society. A fair majority of them are complete idiots that accomplish little more than convince me that a culling is in order. There are, however, a few glimmers of hope. Those bloggers I follow religiously and have the utmost respect for, and I will most likely feel compelled to comment about, and share links to, many of them in the future.

Why start my own blog? Well that's simple. I'm pissed off about many things. As a matter of fact, I don't think I can get through a day without something, or someone, pissing me off. A blog provides me with the means to shake my fist in anger at the people and things that piss me off instead of using my fist to remove the teeth of those responsible for my anger. Does that mean that Jonesy is an angry, bitter turd? No, hardly. I get a great deal of enjoyment from life...usually at other's expense. Does that mean Jonesy's an asshole? Well, probably. You be the judge. Just keep in mind that if you happen to be a thin-skinned, tofu eating, non-competitive, Prius driving, fucktard vegan - I'm not really going to take you seriously.

Also, I have the luxury of time since I have abandoned a career in order to pursue higher education - another thing that pisses me off. So instead of frittering away my new found free time surfing for porn or playing Warcraft...I may as well hop on my soapbox.

So kick off your shoes, grab a jacket and roll around on the floor with me a while!
